We are excited to present at the Zurich Growth Hacking Meetup on the 28th of March. Join us to learn about Growth Hacking and to meet some members of the Inyova team!
This meetup will include:
Growth cases – Representatives of 3 startups will give a 5-10 min presentation of their growth cases. They have been warned that their ideas & strategies will be heavily scrutinized!
- Dr. Tillmann Lang (Yova AG)
- Fabian Dubler (opiniooon GmbH)
- Tim Eckert (Frontify AG)
Panel – Experts in relevant fields will provide input to the discussion. Following the growth cases presentation, each case will be discussed for 10-15 minutes. During this time the audience can ask questions, contribute and challenge the panel & startups.
6.30pm – 7.00pm – Apero & networking
7.00pm – 7.05pm Introduction by Luke Szkudlarek
7.05pm – 8.05pm Presentation of Growth cases & Q&A