Investor Stories: Pirmin

Investor Stories: Pirmin

The Inyova community is made up of inspiring impact investors, and we want you to get to know each other better! That’s why we publish Investor Stories, a monthly feature where an Inyova impact investor shares their investment journey. 

Meet Pirmin!

Pirmin, 27, is from Switzerland and lives in Schänis, a dreamy place near the Swiss Alps. 🏔 He works in sales and finally started investing after his girlfriend and friends gave him a push. 💸

Tell us what a day in the life of Pirmin looks like!

During the week I’m either working or continuing my education. In the evenings I like to do some sport or have some quiet time. 🧘🏻‍♂️

How long have you been investing with Inyova? 

About one year. 

Tell us about your first time investing… 

I invested CHF 3,000 after my girlfriend and my friends recommended I start investing. 

The first investment I made was in shares with Inyova. 💸 Before that, I had already spent a few months researching where and how I could invest a part of my savings 🔍, for example, I asked my local bank what options were available. 

I decided to only invest my 3rd pillar savings as I was not convinced by my bank’s fees and investment options. What I invest my money in is important to me, I am not necessarily interested in the highest possible return. 🌱 Inyova offers me investment options that I can’t get at my local bank and as a new investor with little knowledge, Inyova is easy to use. 🙌🏻

In one word, describe how you felt when you made your first investment. Why did you feel like this?

Excited! You never really know what’s going to happen with your money so it felt a bit like going to the casino for the first time. 😊In the beginning, I checked my portfolio every day and would quickly get unsettled when I had a loss. Now, I don’t check as often and have a much more relaxed attitude towards investing. 

What motivated you to start investing with Inyova?

Be it from banks, acquaintances or our friends, at some point we’re all advised to invest our money. Over the last few years, investing has become an option for me, but at the start of my 20s, it wasn’t possible. Now that I’m able to invest, I want to make sure I’m investing in companies that align with my personal values, that’s why I started investing with Inyova. 😊

Additionally, the money loses value if it is only lying in the bank. And with the little interest you get from the banks today I see no reason to leave my money in my bank account.

What investment topics are you passionate about?

Climate change, Swiss companies and fair working conditions.🙋🏻

What would you say to someone who doesn’t think investing is for them?

I understand why someone would feel apprehensive about investing, especially if it’s not a subject they are familiar with. I’d recommend speaking with a professional to get a better understanding of investing. 

What would you say to someone just starting their investment story?

Don’t invest too much money and only invest in shares/funds that leave you with a good conscience. When you’re deciding the amount of money to invest, a good rule of thumb is only to invest an amount that won’t impact your living standards should you lose it.

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