Inyova Impact Index: What do impact investors care about?

Inyova Impact Index: What do impact investors care about?

Welcome to the Inyova Impact Investing Index for Q4, 2021. This index is published quarterly to give you insights on the issues and companies most important to the impact investors in our community.

Key takeaways:

  • Renewable energy companies continue to dominate the Top 10 list
  • Following the initial buzz around its stock market entry, Oatly fell from #1 in Q3 to #5 in Q4


Key takeaways:

  • Renewable energy continues to be the most important topic for the Inyova impact investing community
  • The top footprint topics are low emissions, human rights and fair pay
  • 'No weapons' is the only exclusion topic to make the Top 10 list in Q4 2021


Key takeaways:

  • Many impact topics are important across all age groups of impact investors, most notably: renewable energy, energy saving technology, low CO2 emissions, no coal, no weapons, and human rights 
  • Although 'plant-based food' is increasing in popularity amongst impact investors aged above 60 years old, it is significantly more important to investors in the young and middle cohorts
  • The exclusion topic 'no alcohol' increased slightly in popularity in Q4 2021, but it still came in as the least important topic across all age groups


Key takeaways:

  • Compared with those starting below CHF 10,000, people in the highest investment bracket were more likely to exclude nuclear, weapons, tobacco, and pesticides from their portfolio
  • The quarterly trend shows impact investors with a smaller initial investment selected fewer topics for their investment strategy, while investors with an investment above CHF 10,000 selected more 
  • Renewable energy continues to be the most popular impact topic across all investment brackets. In the above CHF 10,000 bracket, 96% of investors included it in their investment strategy


Key takeaways:

  • Renewable energy and energy saving technology were the most important topics for male impact investors in Q4, while the top picks for female investors were renewable energy and circular economy
  • No alcohol was the least popular choice. Only 27% of female investors and 29% of male investors excluded alcohol from their impact investing strategy
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